Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hello blog world.

well, today is the day.  i've been slacking on this whole "starting a blog thing" for a while now ... mostly (ok, well, entirely) because i don't have a working camera.  because what's the point of blogging about my life and my arts & crafts (which is what i primarily plan on using this thing for) if i don't have a working camera ... right?  but perhaps this will motivate me to work it out, to get a camera, start taking pics, learn how to actually use this thing (ugh, i tried on livejournal for a while but everytime i wanted to post a pic it was a big ol' production because i couldn't remember how from the last time i attempted).  anyway, so today's the day i'll begin, in hopes that it'll launch me in and motivate me to do the things i want to do ... to get involved in the whole online scrapbooking / paper art world.  i just suck at the whole using technology thing.  quite good at obsessively reading / blog stalking, but not so good at the other stuff.  but today that all changes.

 and i'll leave you today with the quote that my blog name is from ---  "the beautiful is everywhere; perhaps more in the arrangement of your saucepans on the while walls of your kitchen than in your eighteenth-century living room or in official museums" - fernand leger

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