Tuesday, May 13, 2008

camera drama & so on.

i finally have my sister's camera, and i set out to take pictures of some of the things i've been working on lately, along with the prettyness that is my new home. BUT i can't get the pictures to come out well ... the color is all distorted and they don't look pretty like the photos that other bloggers post. haha, of course, that has NOTHING to do with the photographer right? i CAN'T BE TO BLAME for the crappy pictures. i think i just don't know how to play with the settings on her canon powershot and all that stuff about lighting and whatnot. i'll make an attempt again this weekend when i have some more time (& patience) to play around with technology.

so, once again, i'll leave you with some flickr love. sorry this blog is so dull. (oh, and a mini flickr rant - i hate when i want to post mosaics and blocks show up blank because people opted out of the mosaic thing, it makes me sad that i can't share the beauty!)

"1. more blues, 2. 20/366, 3. Untitled, 4. Untitled, 5. Dining room storage, 6. valentine leaves, 7. ready to go, 8. making stuff, 9. sidewalk 4, 10. from the doorway, 11. greens, 12. Untitled, 13. 035 : 365 dec 28 pause., 14. happy new year, 15. postcard / rare device, 16. 341: 1.7.08, 17. Ruby Reds, 18. suitcases, 19. christmas project #3 : advent boxes, 20. the houses, 21. green shelf, 22. my latest display, 23. new wall, 24. shadows, 25. hand made rolodex, 26. Dandelion World, 27. My Pastel Pink Heart, 28. Bingo journal, 29. Inspiration013, 30. Vintage game pieces, 31. Studio44, 32. Weird colored but delicious, 33. my desk-spot, 34. oranges, 35. Untitled, 36. at rock:paper:scissors">

OH, and as soon as pics can be taken i'm going to post some stuff to etsy for the first time, SO EXCITING! yey me.

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