Monday, July 28, 2008


i posted a few more pics up on flickr, including some of the queen size quilt that i designed & quilted (with the help of my mom) for our bed. the story of the quilt - last may when i moved home after graduating from college, i decided i needed a project. i had made a quilt in 6th grade during summer camp at quilt-in-a-day, and since then, it's been my cherished bedspread. anyway, my mom has been in to quilting off and on for a while, she's such a perfectionist so she loves sewing perfect corners and all of that, haha. so anyway, we went up to quilt in a day and i started picking out all this pretty fabric, and then of course i had to pick a pattern to make. well, me being me, picks a quilt that's hanging up on the wall that is the one quilt in the whole damn place that they don't have an instruction book on, and no one even really knows what the deal is with it. well, i INSIST that it's what i want to make. the one hanging was a lap quilt. i wanted to make a queen. so, i ask for some graph paper, and with my neck straining up to 30 feet high, i draw out the pattern and then mathematically figure out how to expand it into a queen, how much fabric i'll need, how many different patterns of fabric, etc. it was seriously intense, everyone thought i was absolutely crazy. but i did it. and then, slowly over the past year, i cut all the pieces, sewed all the pieces, etc. then, it sat unattended to in my closet at my mom's house for months. and then finally we went to a quilt workshop that's offered through the community colleges and got advice from some serious quilters on how to finish it, and now it's done, and on out bed, and i love it. i love that greg & i sleep every night under the blanket that i made. it's so special. i love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you mean the quilt MOM made. trust me, i know, i was there!!!!!!!
ps: i feel like a creeper to the max reading your blog. im your SISTER!!! (who apparently you use exclusively for my camera...but i'd like to think u like me for other reasons too...right??)