Thursday, August 28, 2008

adventures in book binding

last night i decided that after reading a tutorial on coptic stitch binding, i should totally attempt it on my own. i improvised a bit.

cut some cereal boxes to make the front and back covers, glued on some delicious teal & copper hambly woodgrain to the printed sides of the cereal boxes.

cut & folded 5 signatures (fancy bookbinding vocab) made up of 4 sheets each of plain white drawing paper.

found a needle, and some pink & brown martah stewart twine, punched some holes through everything with the needle, and sewed em all up.

it's by no means perfect, but let me say, it's pretty damn impressive for my first shot & not using "proper" tools - to make sure everything lines up EXACT. i am not good at EXACT, even tho i'm a perfectionist - it doesn't make sense, i know.

so now i have this cute cute notebook for drawing and thoughts and project ideas.

i will take a picture of it. (or maybe i won't.)

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