Wednesday, December 24, 2008
MY MOM IS THE BEST EVER AND BOUGHT ME A DIGITAL CAMERA FOR HANUKAH. i am so so so so excited. it's a canon powershot SD790 IS digital elph, which means absolutely nothing to me. haha. it looks very pretty and the screen is rather big, so i'm excited. plus is has a million settings that i'm sure i'll never learn how to use. i can't wait to start playing with it and figuring it out, and taking pics of the millions of projects i've worked on!!!!!!!!!!
ps, happy hanukah & merry christmas to you all!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
i promise i'm not this boring in real life
i don't really have much to say, just wanted to say hi.
in the past few weeks i've had two mini-shopping trips @ papertales (so in love with my new stuff ...) & ordered some kits from story of my life ... AND got two books from amazon that i ordered ... this & this. LOVE THEM BOTH. can't wait to start JOURNALING more. i started slacking off while at the tail end of steady hand faulty heart (still have some tutorials to complete).
i'll leave you with some of my flickr favorites so that my blog isn't as freaking boring! and hopefully i'll have something fun to post soon.

flickr faves
Originally uploaded by dainjb
1. Adorable Shop!, 2. Mirror, 3. Cups, 4. Untitled, 5. come with me this time, 6. peony love, 7. my life book, 8. the glitterfest has begun, 9. Vintage Tree Toppers, 10. feeling festive, 11. paper chain, 12. leftover peonies, 13. ornament theme 08., 14. Vintage Pearl Necklaces - Pastel Beads, 15. Bird and Bees Yarn Wreath, detail, 16. wreath for bunny competition, 17. Yellow Painted Chandelier, 18. Scalloped Felt Tree Skirt, 19. Daisy Pop, 20. Charlotte's Room, 21. Untitled, 22. Ta Da!, 23. Pink Corsage, 24. Vintage Holiday, 25. [2 years], 26. Etsy Take Five Tuesdays, 27. Ali's album01, 28. trees, 29. Untitled, 30. Untitled, 31. Untitled, 32. Untitled, 33. Untitled, 34. House for Rent, 35. Home Tour, 36. Happy fridge
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
1. DONE, sewing machine is ready to go. now, i need to buy thread!
2. obtain a digital camera - still a work in progress (hopefully a hanukah present?)
3. buy new ink cartridges - still need to do this
4. learn how to make my blog pretty - still need to do this
5. find a job in a creative field - have applied (again) for a not-as-good paying job at paper source. i should have just stuck with it the first time around when i was interviewing for the assistant manager position. but "shift supervisor" sounds good too. i'll let you know how it goes
6. make friends with some crafty people so that i'm not always crafting alone - anyone? i need to befriend some crafties ... but i have a feeling it will be hard ...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i'm happy to report that this man will be our new president

Originally uploaded by orangebudd
i can only think of how this day will go down in history ... how in the many years to come, my future kids and grandchildren will ask me where i was when i found out that the first african-american, senator barack obama, was announced as our president elect.
it's the kind of moment that makes me thankful that we live in a nation where our voices can be heard, where anything, anything, is possible. i am also proud to live in a nation that will peacefully (for the most part) turn over hands to a new party. that is what makes america great. that is what we should be proud of. we are living in a place that allows democracy to be true.
there's lots going on today on the online world - facebook updates up the wazhoo, blog posts gone mad, news articles, etc. i think there are some accusations on both sides which are hurtful and immature. i think we should all follow the lead of Senator Mccain and Senator Obama - they both spoke gracefully and genuinely last night. we should start on a new path today, we should be united, we should work to build our country back up, because we have seen far better days.
we have truly witnessed something spectacular.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
help me pick a planner!
SO, send me links. i'm pretty open to a monthly/weekly/daily format. as long as it has extra pages in the back or something for lists and notes, and is somewhat durable (and can take a bit of a beating).
thanks loves!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
i am also really trying to find a new job. anyone? please? i need something new. something not so mundane and boring. something crafty perhaps. something with people. hmmmmmm.
ok, this is a lame update, but it's been a while so i felt the need to post SOMETHING. hopefully i'll be back soon with pics!
Monday, October 6, 2008
"the leaves are falling back east ..." (ben folds)
i spent the weekend up in LA, it was a good weekend. it was nice to be away and to spend some much much needed time with my best friend, alana. there's nothing like spending time with your best friend. it's really just an easy perfect kind of feeling. don't really have words for it. saturday was her birthday and we had a fabulous time that night singing karaoke for a crowded room full of friends and strangers. i hope people took good pics because it will make an awesome scrap page or two or three or perhaps a mini book is in order to celebrate the awesomeness of the birthday bash.
sunday evening when we got back home to san diego we were lazy lazy. i made two pages though - i'll have to scan them - both are using pics from the conejo photo shoot, since alana had printed some of the pics out i have lots to work with! (and lots more to print). i'll hopefully have a productive/creative week. i need it.
i'm still really consumed by the whole work thing - i'm becoming increasingly unhappy with my current situation and am desperately looking for something else. unfortunately, the economy sucks and the job market is quite pathetic. i'm reaching out - i'm racking my brain of people to contact. i need out of my current job. i don't want to drive myself insane.
this week, thursday, marks Yom Kippur ... the second of our High Holy Days ... and I have to say, I have definitely been feeling quite reflective since Rosh Hashanah. Thinking about where I am in life - where I want to go. The relationships I have - which ones are no longer healthy. I need to start thigs year with a fresh outlook- I need to purge myself of the unhappiness, the stress. I need to focus on the positive - I need to surround myself with people who inspire me and make me smile and laugh. I am going to work hard.
I realized on Rosh Hashanah how fitting it is that our new year comes during this time of the year. Fall is a time of new life - of shedding the old, of starting new. Fall embodies these characteristics and I'm finding it comforting that it is the beginning of this new year. It comes at a time when I'm really feeling the weight of the past year ... the weight of guilt and saddness and feelings of being lost. Things that I needed to feel and get through, but things that I'm ready to leave behind.
Here's to new beginnings ... xoxo, dain
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
thoughts on work
Monday, September 22, 2008
weekend update
i didn't get to work on the pillows because i didn't go to my mom's (no sewing machine) though my friend carrie was nice enough to let me borrow her mom's --- BUT i forgot the pedal, so no sewing for me. bummer.
PAPER SOURCE WAS AMAZING. i mean, i knew it would be, because i used to gush over everything in the cambridge store, but this carlsbad store is BIG and i just seriously wanted to move right in. we spent a lot of time there and i got some things that i'd been wanting for a while. a stamp, mini envelopes, three sheets of paper, rabbit business cards, labels, etc.
i also bought a few things at Z Gallerie ... two candles (green in a glass jar with white & copper designs) and a WOOD GRAIN candle. plus an awesome mirrored candle holder.
browed at anthro ... and wanted everything. oh man, i am so in love with that place. mmmmm it's so delicious.
sunday greg & i cleaned (For real!) and then we went and got a dresser at pat's for cheap! they are going to refinish it (light blue is the color we decided) - shabby chic it up, and then we'll pick it up. i asked them to drilly holes for knobs but not to bother putting any in, since i'll splurge and get mis-matched ones at anthro (i've been waiting forever) ... can't wait!
pictures/scans to come. and some more crafty goodness.
Friday, September 19, 2008
a crafty weekend awaits me ....
to work on some art journal pages for steady hand, faulty heart [i am seriously excited about the newest prompts, they are JUST what i need currently] ...
to find [cheap] plain fabric to use for the backings of some pillows. i bought scraps of heather bailey's fabric from the fat quarter shop, and am going to make some awesome pillows. so, buy fabric & sew them up area major part of this weekend's plans.
to go to papersource's grand opening - i am beyond excited. i will try very hard not to spend a lot of money. but, papersource & anthro & zgallerie & freepeople in one shopping center = minor freak out.
to enjoy a lovely saturday night with my amazing friends. i have realized lately how blessed i am to have such a unique group of friends. a group of friends who are drastically different, absolutely crazy [more pics of the photo shoot will be up soon for proof], funny, loving, accepting, and honest. i spend some time feeling sad that i don't have any "crafty" friends here in san diego [sadly they live in boston] - but, at the end of the day, i am so happy with who we have become, how we have grown, how our friendships have shaped, how we continue to bring laughter & joy & support to each other's lives. ok, sappyness officially over.
in other news, i've been obsessively blog stalking my little sister marta's blog about her adventures in africa. i check is CONSTANTLY, waiting for new updates, new pictures, new tidbits about her life in a new land. i'm obsessed.
and now ... back to work. hopefully more pictures soon! gotta find a place to develop the film from my diana+ (this is the experimental roll, i have no clue if they'll turn out).
xox, d.
Monday, September 15, 2008
polaroids are perfection

earth mother, flower child, sassy athletic sax player.
Originally uploaded by dainjb
this is my favorite polaroid from the shoot ... we only took 7 and they are all great - but this one is just perfect. the others are uploaded to flickr.
auntie dain with ethan

auntie dain with ethan
Originally uploaded by dainjb
some pics from the photo shoot are uploaded on flickr. there will be a ton more uploaded soon, and then eventually film will be scanned & polaroids will be scanned tonight. it was so much fun and i'm lucky that i have such a crazy and amazing group of friends. it was a fabulous day. i'll post more later, but for now here's a cute cute cute pic of me (in real life clothes) and baby ethan (my friend marilyn's sweet baby boy).
Saturday, September 13, 2008
my new friend diana+
if any of you have a diana+ or similar toy camera - any tips will be appreciated. i'm super excited about the pinhole setting. gotta play around with it! i'll scan the results for sure!
xox, dain
Friday, September 12, 2008
friday i'm in love
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
brown paper packages
kate's gift was the book that i won on her blog ... it's amazing. seriously, it's perfect and i love it and it's now one of my cherished mini-books on the coffee table. i will hopefully take pictures soon (or kate, if you have pics, post em so i can link!)
the 2nd "session" of Steady Hand, Faulty Heart ... the online art journal class that Rachel is hosting is off to a fabulous start. The first two tutorials were just what I needed, especially since they didn't require me to wait to take pics. I'm still way behind on the first session since i don't have regular access to a camera.
anyway, hopefully pictures to come (no more crappy scans if i can help it)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
i need some new inspiration. i'll let you know what i find.
rachel's Steady Hand Faulty Heart art journal class starts up again tomorrow, so that will be fabulous!
Friday, August 29, 2008
oh my god! it's a miracle
crappy scan of the middle part of a 12 x 12 layout about my quasi-step nieces and nephew.
journaling reads:
Emma: such a little grown up, a good big sister, pure joy, a future scrapper.
Jett: rubs off kisses, but is always up for a sword fight. such a boy. laughter.
Kate: sweet baby, chubby cheeks, laid back, full of beautiful smiles.

crappy scan of the top-ish part of a layout about my best friend alana. this is one of my favorite pictures of her, which was taken in spain while she was studying abroad. the letter at the bottom of the journaling says "iyq" (say it out loud to figure it out).

i quasi-figured out how to use my freaking crappy scanner:
an epiphany!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
adventures in book binding
cut some cereal boxes to make the front and back covers, glued on some delicious teal & copper hambly woodgrain to the printed sides of the cereal boxes.
cut & folded 5 signatures (fancy bookbinding vocab) made up of 4 sheets each of plain white drawing paper.
found a needle, and some pink & brown martah stewart twine, punched some holes through everything with the needle, and sewed em all up.
it's by no means perfect, but let me say, it's pretty damn impressive for my first shot & not using "proper" tools - to make sure everything lines up EXACT. i am not good at EXACT, even tho i'm a perfectionist - it doesn't make sense, i know.
so now i have this cute cute notebook for drawing and thoughts and project ideas.
i will take a picture of it. (or maybe i won't.)
Monday, August 25, 2008
things that occur inside my mind
about the healing process. about creating art, making something tangible. the process. cutting paper, strokes of the paint brush. gluing, taping, stapling, sewing. making something out of nothing. making something out of everything.
i believe that art heals. i have faith in art, i have faith in the creative process.
i went to college intending to study art therapy. halfway through i got restless - i felt stuck, i felt unhappy, i felt like i needed change - and so, i made a decision to change my major. just like that. since then, i've realized this is a pattern in my life. when my depression sneaks back in to my life, i don't recognize it right away. it just feel like an itch to make change - something's not right, so i just go ahead and decide to fix something without really figuring out what needs to be fixed first. so i tend to make decisions that i might not otherwise make.
i believe in art therapy more than i believe in anything else in my life. i've been feeling so strange lately - because i'm starting to see that i should have stuck it out - i should have fought through the urge for change - i should have graduated with a degree in art therapy. it's in my blood. it's the only thing i'm sure of. art is truth. it's the only truth i know, and i'm feeling such a strong pull back to my roots. back to the one thing that makes me feel whole. i am so glad that i'm continuing to create, continuing to heal and tell my story.
but ... what do i do now? where do i go from here? what do i do "with my life"? (aside from create). i don't think i'll ever feel fulfilled in a 9 to 5. but right now, i have to find a way to make it work. i have a mortgage to pay, school loans, bills, a life to live. so boring job it is for now. for now.
i have to remember that.
this is only temporary.
alright blog world, thanks for letting me get that out. it's been a hard monday morning.
Friday, August 22, 2008
ideas! and a trip to papertales!

1. Bedroom via pointclickhome, 2. Emma Cassi bedroom, 3. Mark Lund white floors in bedroom, 4. bedroom2, 5. Carrie's apartment SATC movie, 6. White floor, bedroom, via Desire to Inspire, 7. Bedroom via Living Etc, 8. Alan Higgs pink & lime living room, 9. White, pinks, yellow via marie claire maison, 10. em's*tattoos, 11. Living room, 12. Sunny Side pillow, 13. bed, 14. The Kitchen-Kitsch cabinet in all its glory, 15. Untitled, 16. Untitled, 17. Untitled, 18. Red: Color Me Monday, 19. Ma petite chambre, 20. Grow, 21. Cole and Son Cow Parsley, 22. I collect blankets., 23. Tutorial #5 - August Means", 24. Guest Room, 25. Chair portrait, 26., 27. creature comforts, 28. The Home of Emma Cassi, 29. The Home of Emma Cassi, 30. il_fullxfull.25399751, 31. Tutorial #2, 32. Tutorial #1, 33. from Cottage Living website, 34. from Cottage Living website, 35. Domino Mag Inspiration, 36. treats by mail
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i am in DESPERATE need of buying a camera / learn how to take pictures and not simply just point and shoot and hope for the best. whether this means i need a certain kind of camera or just need to learn a few tricks (or an editing program) - i think i'm ready to learn. i seriously am so bad at technology and wish i just had a friend that was awesome and would take amazing pictures for me, but really, i should just suck it up and learn how.
SO, suggest a camera, an editing program, a photo taking tutorial - anything and everything!
xox, dain
I finished the mini book for my sister to take to South Africa (just in time, she leaves next week!) It turned out cute. Used mostly Heather Bailey's line. Super adorable. I hope it doesn't get trashed in her travels - a little worn is ok, of course, it adds character.
I have decided that I want to look more seriously in to opening a business. Not next week, not next month, maybe not next year. But in the next 5, I'd like to open up a shop. I know I have it in me - and I know that I want so badly to create a space that mixes the things I love - art, stationery, home decorating. A little botique of beautiful accessories, artsy touches, some jewelry, some bath products perhaps. I really want my friend Carrie to do this with me - she's an interior designer and has a great eye, I think it'd be fun and rewarding. And it's just something that's in me - I've tried to run away from it, but I really know that at the end of the day I want to have a business. We'll see, it's a long long way off.
Alright for now, back to the day job - perhaps a flickr inspiration post later tonight! Need to get some color on this blog!
xox, dain
Monday, August 11, 2008
9 minutes left at work ...
i also got a chance to print the prompts for rachel's class - so i'm determined to work on them this week. gotta get some of this creative energy out - i think i'm in a funk - can't seem to express myself lately.
today is a special day. it's mine & my boy's 6 year anniversary. crazy. i think i need to do some reflecting on the past 6 years, maybe that will inspire a layout or mini book or journal entry, or something!!!
hope you are all well. xox.
RIP dear macbook
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
my new motto is "Strew Flowers In Life's Way"
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
art journal class
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
a picture is worth a thousand words
most of my mini books:
some pages from my newest mini book a la elise blaha:
cover of the mini book i'm making for my sister to take with her when she goes abroad in the fall:
some pics of my mini book a la rachel denbow:
yesterday i took a class over at paper tales taught by amy hanson and this is what i made, i love it!:
the BEAUTIFUL black shabby chic hutch i got at pat's corner:
quote i painted underneath the bar (it's a jack johnson quote that says "it's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving i'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together"):
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
this is turning out to be the best weekend ever.
Friday, July 4, 2008
happy 4th of july ... guess i should go eat a burger & drink some beer?

my head is going to BURST with ideas. i need someone to help me narrow it all down. i'm on overdrive.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
home sweet sweet sweet home

lately i've been getting the urge to work on the house. the living room wall / eat in kitchen wall is HUGE, and i'm talking HUGE ... 20-25 feetish high. so in the living room part i want to make a "frame" out of crown molding for some awesome wallpaper in a 105in X 77in rectangle behind the couch. i got the idea from the pic above on flickr (thank you homebug)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
polaroids & mini books galore!
Monday, June 16, 2008
adventures in babysitting ...
hopefully the rest of the days will go more smoothly now that they know they can't get away with the kind of behavior. seriously, i mean, i remember being a teenager - but seriously?!?
anyway, today i want to cool scrapbook stuff in poway and got a few things - hambly of course (bamboo overlay, some more woodgrain (duhhhh), mod circles) ... some thickers, and some felt letters. i brought over my "travel" scrapbook kit - meaning a shoe box and a 12 x 12 box ... filled with random stuff to work on. haven't yet, but i intend to - gotta work on the book for my sister and just gotta CREATE, since it's been a few days.
alright, gotta take the kiddos to souplantation. wish me luck, i might need it!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
bright and early saturday morning ...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
an update, in list form.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
pictures of our home!

ok that's it for now, in a bit i'll post some projects!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
jobs, obsessions, decorating, etc!
OK, to the point. yesterday i was browsing craigslist as i do every day because i'm going to be jobless in 4 weeks, and GUESS WHAT?! A PAPER SOURCE IS OPENING IN CARLSBAD. now, carlsbad would not be the most fun commute since i've recently moved from north county to north park .. but, i think i totally would do it. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, a job where i get to be surrounded by PAPER AND PRETTINESS ALL DAY? i don't want to get myself over excited, because it probably won't happen. i don't have a ton of retail experience. BUT i have customer service experience and so much craftiness experience, haha.
i just REALLY want to work in an awesome environment and i love paper stores.
ok, look at me, again, going on and gushing about all this stuff.
so i took some pics on my sister's camera and i was all excited to post them and i realized that i didn't bring the cord that connects the camera to the laptop. grrrr ... so maybe this weekend i'll get it and then i can post some pics of the projects i've been working on AND the on going project that is our home sweet home ...
thats my second biggest obsession ... decorating our home. it's so nice that we finally have our own place that we OWN. greg even sometimes seems interested in the decorating which is awesome. a few weeks ago we hung up a bunch of picture frames for a "cluster" wall ... and the craft studio is starting to get more organized ... it's a slow process but totally worth it.
alright, time to go help with dinner! have a great weekend (it's going to be HOT HOT HOT here paper source, camera woes in san diego)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
i could spend hours looking at scrapbooking products
BUT, today was TOTALLY AMAZING. i went to Paper Tales, an awesome little paper boutique that JUST opened this month. IT IS AMAZING. first, it is decorated beautifully. it's cozy and welcoming and feels like a place you could spend time, not just a giant faceless warehouse. it has personality and feels like someone's studio. i think i loved it even more because it totally matches my decorating tastes. ANYWAY, the inventory was great. all the new lines that i had seen online - got some hambly, and HEATHER BAILEY! ah! also got a few other things ... can't remember off the top of my head and too lazy to go upstairs to the craft studio ... sorry! SO FREAKING AWESOME. anyway i felt like such a dork while i was there because i was totally just gushing over the place. the owner, michelle, was friendly and knowledgeable and we talked about blogworld, which obviously was exciting since the only other person i really talk to it about is the boy, greg, and he's clearly not that interested in my paper / blog obsession. SO, the bottom line is that if you are in san diego, you must must must go to this shop. i can see myself spending a LOT of time there in the future.
ok, time to go play with my new stuff!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
camera drama & so on.
so, once again, i'll leave you with some flickr love. sorry this blog is so dull. (oh, and a mini flickr rant - i hate when i want to post mosaics and blocks show up blank because people opted out of the mosaic thing, it makes me sad that i can't share the beauty!)

"1. more blues, 2. 20/366, 3. Untitled, 4. Untitled, 5. Dining room storage, 6. valentine leaves, 7. ready to go, 8. making stuff, 9. sidewalk 4, 10. from the doorway, 11. greens, 12. Untitled, 13. 035 : 365 dec 28 pause., 14. happy new year, 15. postcard / rare device, 16. 341: 1.7.08, 17. Ruby Reds, 18. suitcases, 19. christmas project #3 : advent boxes, 20. the houses, 21. green shelf, 22. my latest display, 23. new wall, 24. shadows, 25. hand made rolodex, 26. Dandelion World, 27. My Pastel Pink Heart, 28. Bingo journal, 29. Inspiration013, 30. Vintage game pieces, 31. Studio44, 32. Weird colored but delicious, 33. my desk-spot, 34. oranges, 35. Untitled, 36. at rock:paper:scissors">
OH, and as soon as pics can be taken i'm going to post some stuff to etsy for the first time, SO EXCITING! yey me.
Thursday, May 1, 2008

1. D, 2. D, 3. d, 4. ., 5. All Products, 6. DSC_0050, 7. DSC_0048_2, 8. 20 things, 9. My craft shop in the barn during the summer season., 10. unexpectedly, 11. Cherry Blossom Sky, 12. finding / found, 13. neonbike, 14. Dahlia XIII, 15. immediate embarkation, 16. Les vols éclo[t]s, 17. Untitled, 18. let your heart speak, 19. without a word, 20. Etsy: Take 5 Tuesdays, 21. Me, completely exposed and covered in glitter., 22. In the arms of the angels may you find some comfort here, 23. ..., 24. more blues, 25. 20/366, 26. Untitled, 27. Untitled, 28. Dining room storage, 29. valentine leaves, 30. ready to go, 31. making stuff, 32. sidewalk 4, 33. from the doorway, 34. greens, 35. Untitled, 36. 035 : 365 dec 28 pause.
so my sister comes home from college next week and i'll finally get to snap some pics of the things i've been working on, since she has a working camera. yay!